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Pharma Group Dianabol Metan Methandienone 105 tablets x10mg

Methandienone 10 mg

105 tablets × 10 mg


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Pharma Group Dianabol Metan Methandienone 105 tablets x10mg

Pharma Group Dianabol Metan Methandienone 105 tablets x10mg

Dianabol ili Methandienone se sastoji od 10 mg (17b-Hidroki-17a-metilan drosta-1,4-dien-3-on) metandienona kao aktivnog sastojka u svakoj tableti. Pakovanje metandienona sadrži 105 tableta. Methandienone je oralno efikasan anabolički steroid. Methandienone je bio drugi anabolički steroid ikada proizveden. Prvi je bio Testosteron. Smatra se standardom za izgradnju mase i snage, metandienon je veoma efikasan kao samostalan ili kao naslagani sastojak za početak ciklusa. Metandienon ne reaguje snažno sa androgenim receptorom, ali i dalje ispoljava svoje efekte preko androgenog receptora in vivo. To uključuje dramatično povećanje sinteze proteina, glikogenolize i mišićne snage tokom kratkog vremenskog perioda. U visokim dozama (30 mg ili više dnevno), mogu početi da se javljaju neželjeni efekti kao što su ginekomastija, visok krvni pritisak, akne i ćelavost kod muškaraca. Lek izaziva teške maskulinizirajuće efekte kod žena čak i u malim dozama. Pored toga, aromatazom se metaboliše u metilestradiol. To znači da će se bez primene inhibitora aromataze, kao što su anastrozol ili aminoglutetimid, vremenom pojaviti estrogenski efekti kod muškaraca. Upotreba metandienona tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda može dovesti do oštećenja jetre bez odgovarajuće nege. 17a-metilacija steroida omogućava mu da prođe kroz jetru sa samo malim delom koji se razgrađuje (dakle izaziva gore pomenuto oštećenje jetre) što mu omogućava da bude efikasan kada se uzima oralno. Takođe ima efekat smanjenja afiniteta steroida za globulin koji vezuje polne hormone, protein koji deaktivira molekule steroida i sprečava ih od daljih reakcija sa telom. Anabolički/androgeni steroid, metandrosternolon je razvijen u SAD 1955. Prema trenutnom profilu izgradnje tela, doze od 100 mg metandrostenolona i više su uobičajena svakodnevna praksa. Metandrostenolon je derivat testosterona. Razlikuje se od testosterona po dodatnom dvostrukom vezivanju i 17-alfa-alkilaciji, što, kada se proizvod uzima u obliku tableta ili kapsula, može biti potencijalno štetno za jetru. Još jedan problem sa metandrostenolonom je taj što se transformiše u izuzetno moćan estrogen 17-alfa-metilestradiol, što može dovesti do skladištenja vode i akumulacije masti. Iz tog razloga, metandrostenolon je čist masovni steroid sa visokom androgenošću; koristi se posebno tokom faza kada je naglasak više na snazi i mišićnoj masi, a ne na minimiziranju sadržaja masti i vode.


Dianabol or Methandienone consists of 10mg (17β-Hydroxy-17α-methylan drosta-1,4-dien-3-on) Methandienone as active ingredient in each tablet. Methandienone package contains 105 tablets. Methandienone is an orally-effective anabolic steroid. Methandienone was the second Anabolic Steroid ever produced. The first was Testosterone. Regarded as the standard for mass and strength building, Methandienone is highly effective as a stand alone, or as a stacked jump starting cycle ingredient. Methandienone doesn’t react strongly with the androgen receptor but still exerts its effects through the androgen receptor in vivo. These include dramatic increases in protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscle strength over a short space of time. In high doses (30 mg or more per day), side effects such as gynecomastia, high blood pressure, acne and male pattern baldness may begin to occur. The drug causes severe masculinising effects in women even at low doses. In addition, it is metabolised into methylestradiol by aromatase. This means that without the administration of aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole or aminoglutethimide, estrogenic effects will appear over time in men. The use of Methandienone over extended periods of time can result in liver damage without appropriate care. The 17α-methylation of the steroid does allow it to pass through the liver with only a small portion of it broken down (hence causing the aforementioned damage to the liver) allowing it to be effective when taken orally. It also has the effect of decreasing the steroid’s affinity for sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that de-activates steroid molecules and prevents them from further reactions with the body. The anabolic / androgenic steroid, methandrosternolone was developed in the USA in 1955. According to the current body building profile, doses of 100 mg methandrostenolone and above are common daily practice. Methandrostenolone is a testosterone derivative. It differs from testosterone because of its additional double – binding and 17-alpha-alkylation, which, when the product is taken in tablet or capsule form, can be potentially harmful to the liver. Another problem with methandrostenolone is that it is transformed into the extremely potent estrogen 17-alpha-methylestradiol, which can lead to water storage and fat accumulation. For this reason, methandrostenolone is a pure mass steroid with high androgenicity; it is used especially during phases when the emphasis is more on strength and muscle mass as opposed to minimising fat and water content.


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