Pharma Group Sustanon 250mg 10 amp x 1ml
Testosterone Propionate 30 mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg
Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg
Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg
10 ampoules x 1 ml
Sustanon je bistra, bezbojna uljasta tečnost estera testosterona za intramuskularnu upotrebu. Svaki ml sadrži testosteron propionat 40 mg, testosteron fenilpropional 70 mg, testosteron izokaproat 70 mg i testosteron dekanoat 120 mg. Testosteron je glavni endogeni hormon neophodan za normalan rast i razvoj muških polnih organa i muških sekundarnih polnih karakteristika. Tokom odraslog života testosteron je neophodan za funkcionisanje testisa i pomoćnih struktura, kao i za održavanje libida, osećaja blagostanja, erektilne potencije, funkcije prostate i semenskih vezikula.
Sustanon is clear, colourless oily liquid of Testosterone Esters for Intramuscular use. Each ml contains Testosterone Propionate 40 mg, Testosterone Phenylpropionale 70 mg, Testosterone Isocaproate 70 mg and Testosterone Decanoate 120 mg. Testosterone is the principal endogenous hormone essential for normal growth and development of the male sex organs and male secondary sex characteristics. During adult life testosterone is essential for the functioning of the testes and accessory structures, and for the maintenance of libido, sense of well-being, erectile potency, prostate and seminal vesicle function.
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